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Fief de l'Eperon FiefEperonArms

In 1440, the Fief Blondel was transferred. In the deed, it specifies a certain fief called the fief Thomas Blondel being in the said parishes, parcel of the fief au Canely containing about three bouvées of land called the Bouvée Phlipot Pain, lying in the said parish of St Pierre du Bois, and the bouvées Torquetil and Bourgeon with the fief de l'Eperon lying in the said parish of Torteval and likewise all and such seigneuries, dignities, liberties, graces and franchises as to the aforesaid fiefs and each of them attach and belong with a certain dinner which the said Jenete takes and owns annually for an estate of inheritance, she claims, on the fief of the Prior of Lihou.  Translation by Dr. Ogier of Guernsey.


The 1440 deed shows that the  Fief de L'Eperon was transferred with the sale of the Fief Blondel along with rights to such seigneuries, dignities, liberties, graces and franchises and dinners from the Fief of Lihou.

Historically, there are 2 EPERON Fiefs. See:

1) Feif a Eperon or Fief de L'Eperon

2) Feif Des Eperons ( Seigneur Rougier and presently Seigneur Moullin Family.

One of these Eperon Fiefs ( The small fief of:  Fief Des Eperon)  is still shown on the map of Guernsey between the Fief L'Eveque de Coutan ces and the Fief De La Rue Frairie.  This fief is not associated with Blondel and was owned by Seigneur Eric Bailleul Moullin (10 August 1893 – 18 September 1963)

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Therefore, the 1440 Blondel Deed's Fief de l'Eperon of Torteval is independent and separate from the other Eperon fief which may be in St. Andrews Parish. It is recorded as a dependency fief of Blondel.


 The 1890 List of Guernsey Lords/Seigneurs only shows one Eperon fief in St. Andrews.  Thus, the other Eperon fief may continue to be a dependency on the Blondel Fief.

Histornical Note on the Fief Eperon by Dr. Ogier - Historian

"The fief de l’Eperon does not appear to be recorded otherwise than on this 1440 deed. I think, just as the fief Thomas Blondel is said to be part of the fief Canelly so, as you suggest, this Eperon “fief” is/was a dependency of Thomas Blondel.
Such a thing would not be that unusual, and several other fiefs’ records call certain dependent tenures “fiefs” though these do not possess any of the usual manorial paraphernalia (a court etc). I imagine that at some point they had somewhat more privileged occupants than some other holdings. The fief de Blanchelande is particularly notable for being split up into many holdings, each known as fief this or that.
With best wishes,  Dr. Darryl "
Fief des Eperons

Eric Bailleul Moullin (10 August 1893 – 18 September 1963) MA, ScD, Hon LLD, MIEE, was an Electrical Engineer. He was Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering at Cambridge, and was a founder member of the Guernsey Society.  He spent three years as a teacher at the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, and then returned to Cambridge in 1919 to become a university lecturer in engineering. In 1929, he moved to Oxford, where he became a Reader in Engineering Science.  He spent World War II contributing his knowledge of electrical engineering to the war effort, working firstly for the Admiralty Signals Establishment in Portsmouth, and then as part of the senior research staff of the Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co in Manchester.
After the war, he was offered the newly-created Chair of Electrical-Engineering at Cambridge, and so returned there as its first ever Professor of Electrical Engineering.

Guernsey Connections - Fief des Eperons
He was very proud of his Guernsey roots, and was a regular visitor to the island, and knew the island well.  He was a founder member of the Guernsey Society, and served as chairman from 1947-1949. He was a regular contributor to The Quarterly Review. Together with Herbert John Fleure and Freddie Priaulx, was a major contributor to The Guernsey Farmhouse, a book published by the Society in 1964 celebrating the ancient family houses in the island.
After the war, he purchased the Fief des Eperons and thus became Seigneur. This fief had belonged to his ancestor, Jean Rougier, and he revived a number of the ancient seigneural traditions, such as summoning the feudal court[1]. As part of this, he presented a set of gilt spurs to Queen Elizabeth when she visited the island in 1957.
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According to the History of Guernsy 1814 by William Berry, The parish of St. Andrew, which lies towards the southern extremity of the Island, is the only parish which is not at any part bounded by the sea, and consequently the incumbent has no tithe of fish. The parish is divided into La Grande and La Petite Vingtaine, contains about two thousand five hundred vergees of land, one hundred and twenty dwelling-houses, with a population of nearly seven hundred persons; and the number of quarters rated to public taxes is estimated at five thousand, the average rate per quarter paid yearly being about sixpence.

There are several fiefs within the boundaries. That of Maux Marquis contains two hundred and eighty-five vergees, twenty-five perches. The frank-fief of St. Helena, containing about two hundred and twenty-four vergees, is now in the possession of William de Jersey, Esq. and the manor-house will be found depicted in the annexed Engraving. The rectors of this parish have long held a field for the service of performing mass when the seignior of this fief holds his court; but since the Reformation, the Lord's Prayer has been substituted in its stead.* The fief Rohais, the property of John Allez, Esq. containing two hundred and eight vergees, small measure, of thirtysix perches to the vergee. The fief La Haulle, fifty-eight vergees, thirty-seven perches; and the fief Eperons. In the last extent, mention is likewise made of the fief De la Rue Friery, L'Evesque, and of the Abbess Caen, with the bordage of Alminack. Citation


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